Pontifical Council for Education

The KAILASA’s Education Commission provides a framework for the key policy and operational priorities for the department of education, in alignment with the vision of Supreme Pontiff HDH Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam for education and in collaboration with holy see, state and local educational collaborators and stakeholders.

KAILASA’s Education Commission came into existence on 14th April, 2001 and became a statutory body of the KAILASA by an Act of Education for accreditation of various schools, education agencies, higher education institutions and universities to offer conscious education including content, teaching methodologies, examination, research and training.

The KAILASA’s Education Commission also provides protocols for setting up of infrastructure for all the educational entities under KAILASA’s Department Of Education

The KAILASA’s Education Commission has an advisory role in affiliating educational bodies promoting vedic education and conscious living.

The KAILASA’s Education Commission recommends a tribunal action against the affiliated educational bodies of the State of Kailasa for any practice, protocol, technique or requirement is not being implemented or altered from the original vision of Supreme Pontiff HDH Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam